6–iSCSI Noninteractive Commands
-nh (Configure iSCSI Settings)
SN0054667-00 C 6-19
To set everything automatically, issue the following commmand:
-netconf6 0 -IPLLA -IPR01A -IPRRA
To disable the IPv4 network, issue the following command:
-netconf6 0 -DISN4
To disable the IPv4 and IPv6 networks, issue the following command:
-netconf6 0 -DISN4 DISN6
(Configure iSCSI Settings)
To set the adapter-level parameters for multiport adapters, issue the -nh
command as follows:
-nh <hba_port_inst> <Config name | Config alias> <Value>
[<<Config name | Config alias>> <Value> …]
The valid parameters and their values are shown in Table 6-3.
(Add a Target)
To add persistent targets, issue the -pa command as follows:
-pa <hba_port_inst> <IP Address> [-PORT port number] [-INAME iSCSI
If you do not specify a port number [-PORT port number], QConvergeConsole
CLI uses the default number 3260. If you do not specify an iSCSI name [-INAME
iSCSI Name], QConvergeConsole CLI uses the default value, an empty string.
To view all targets for a port, issue the -pad command as follows:
-pad <hba_port_inst>
(Bind Target)
To bind a target (make it persistent), issue the -pb command as follows:
-pb <hba_port_inst> <Target ID>
(Set Primary Boot Target Information)
To set the primary boot code boot target and LUN, issue the -pbootcode
command as follows:
-pbootcode <hba_port_inst> <tgt> <lun>