
6–iSCSI Noninteractive Commands
6-26 SN0054667-00 C
To execute a rediscovery of targets for the specified send target, issue the -strd
command as follows:
-strd <hba_port_inst> <target_instance>
To obtain the target instance, use the -dtdsp command.
To use the -strd command, you must first issue the -stadd command at least
once to add a send target for discovery only. For more information, see “-stadd” on
page 6-24.
To remove the specified send target, issue the -strem command as follows:
-strem <hba_port_inst> <target_instance>
To obtain the target instance, use the -dtdsp command.
To use the -strem command, you must first issue the -stadd command at least
once to add a send target for discovery only. For more information, see “-stadd” on
page 6-24.
To remove all send targets, issue the -strema command as follows:
-strema <hba_port_inst> <target_instance>
(Display Target Information)
To view target information, issue the -t command as follows:
-t <hba_port_inst> [Target ID]
If you only specify the <hba_port_inst> parameter, QConvergeConsole CLI
lists target information for all targets on the specified adapter port. If you specify
the optional parameter [Target ID], QConvergeConsole CLI lists information
on the specified target only. This includes both persistent and dynamic targets.
(Configure Target Parameters)
To set target parameter settings, use the -tc command. For a list of target
parameters you can configure, issue the following command:
-tc <hba_port_inst> < Target_ID > <config_name | config_alias>
<value> <config_name | config_alias> <value>