Installation Guide Stackable Fibre Channel Switch
5800V Series
Glossary-2 59265-02 B
Certificate Authority Certificate
A certificate that validates a certificate
authority on a device to allow authentica-
tion of signed certificates from that
Challenge-Handshake Authentication
CHAP is used for remote logon, usually
between a client and server or a Web
browser and Web server. A
challenge/response is a security mecha-
nism for verifying the identity of a person
or process without revealing a secret
password that is shared by the two
entities. Also referred to as a” three-way
Chassis Hop
A measure of fabric latency represented
by the ISL that any frame crosses when
travelling from one switch to another. A
frame that travels from one switch to
another over an ISL experiences one
chassis hop.
Class 2 Service
A connection-less Fibre Channel commu-
nication service where the receiver explic-
itly acknowledges frames and notifies of
delivery failure, including end-to-end flow
Class 3 Service
A connection-less Fibre Channel commu-
nication service where frames are not
explicitly acknowledged and delivery is on
a “best effort” basis.
Common Information Model
An industry standard for defining device
and application characteristics so that
products from different vendors have
uniform information accessible to
programs. Defined using shared XML
schemas to facilitate the exchange of infor-
Configuration Wizard
A program that automates the switch or
adapter configuration process.
Configured Zone Sets
The zone sets stored on a switch
excluding the active zone set.
Device Security
A component of fabric security that
provides for the authorization and authen-
tication of devices that attach to a switch
through the use of groups and security
Domain ID
User-defined number that identifies the
switch in the fabric.
Enterprise Fabric Suite
A separately licensed workstation-based
switch management application.
Event Log
Log of messages describing events that
occur in the fabric.
Expansion Port
A port in an Fibre Channel switch that
connects to another Fibre Channel switch
or bridge device by an inter-switch link.
E_Ports are used to link Fibre Channel
switches to form a multi-switch fabric.