2–Event Messages
Warning Events
59060-07 D 2-71
(W) (8B00.0019) (CallHome message send for profile profile to recipient email_address
failed on SMTP server ip_address, port port_number. Retry will not be
attempted, ignoring recipient.)
Meaning: The Call Home service failed to send an e-mail message to the
recipient in the named profile through the specified Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server because of a non-transient error.
The Call Home service will not attempt to resend the message.
(W) (8F00.000C) (Fabric Status status)
Meaning: The severity of the fabric status has changed. The description field
will show the reason for fabric status.
(W) (8F00.000D) (Switch Status status)
Meaning: The severity of the switch status has changed. The description field
will show the reason for the switch status.
(W) (8F00:000E) (Link Status status)
Meaning: The severity of the link status has changed. The description field
will show the reason for link status.