2–Event Messages
Informative Events
59060-07 D 2-73
(I) (8200.0202) (mserver) (Rejecting request (GZS) for zone set zone_set_name containing
unsupported alias member(s))
Meaning: The fabric zone server command GZS (Get Zone Set) was rejected
because the requested zone set contains one or more members
that are aliases. Since aliases are not defined in GS-3, the request
could not be completed.
(I) (8200.0300) (mserver) (Cannot register HBA World Wide Name (WWN) device_WWN,
FDMI database has reached its configured limit.)
Meaning: The switch contains a database that is configured to allow a certain
number of HBAs to register Fabric Device Management Interface
(FDMI) information with this switch. An HBA has attempted to
register its FDMI information with the switch, but allowing it to do so
would cause the FDMI database to exceed the configured limit.
(I) (8200.0301) (mserver) (Port: port_number) (Rejecting FDMI request from address
FC_address on port port_number; FDMI is configured as disabled.)
Meaning: The Fabric Device Management Interface (FDMI) server on this
switch has been disabled so any FDMI requests received by the
switch will be rejected.
(I) (8300.0004) (zoning) (New Active ZoneSet zone_set_name)
Meaning: A new zone set has been activated.
(I) (8300.0007) (zoning) (Fabric lock held by domain domain_ID, hotreset not permitted)
Meaning: Another switch has acquired our fabric zoning lock; a zoning
request is about to occur. Retry a hot reset after the fabric zoning
lock is released.
(I) (8300.0008) (zoning) (Processing zoning requests, Checkpoint not permitted)
Meaning: Another switch has acquired our fabric zoning lock; a zoning
request is about to occur. Retry a hot reset after the fabric zoning
lock is released.
(I) (8300.0009) (Zoning) (Reading zoning database, Checkpoint not permitted)
Meaning: A change to the fabric zoning database forced a read of the
database to occur. Retry a hot reset after the read is complete.
(I) (8300.0010) (Zoning) (Removing all inactive zoning objects)
Meaning: All zones that were members of the previously active zone set are
being removed from the zoning database.