2 – Operations and Administration
D000003-006 Rev. A 2-59
To save a log message for further analysis, perform the following steps:
1. From the Messages window, select Edit, Select All (or CTRL + A).
2. Select Edit, Copy (or CTRL + C).
3. Open a text editing package, such as Notepad.
4. Select Edit, Paste (or CTRL + V).
5. Save as a plain text (.txt) file.
Purging the Log
The Purge Log button purges the RAM, clearing the log file(s).
Figure 2-82. Purge Log Button
To purge the log:
1. From the menu, click Logging.
2. Click Purge Log. The Purge Log confirmation window is displayed
Figure 2-83. Purge Log Confirmation Window
3. Click OK.
4. The message log file is now purged.