
3–Interactive Commands
Statistics Menu (Command Line Options -gs and -ls)
SN0054614-00 K 3-95
Resetting to default settings..., done.
Auto Poll Menu
13: Statistics 2: Link Status 1: Configuration 3: Auto Poll
SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI shows two polling options:
Auto Poll
Manual Poll
If you select the Auto Poll option, the system enables Auto Poll and returns a
Auto Poll enabled.
If you select the Manual Poll option, the system prompts you to enter a value for
Manual Poll iteration:
Manual Poll iteration (1-256)
Enter a value from 1 to 256, and then press
. The system updates the
Manual Poll iteration value and returns the following message:
Manual Poll updated.
Set Rate
13: Statistics 2: Link Status 1: Configuration 4: Set Rate
The system prompts you to enter a value for the sampling rate (the current rate is
shown in parentheses):
Sampling Rate Seconds [5-30](n):
Enter a value from 5 through 30, and then press
. The system updates the
sampling rate and returns a message:
Sampling rate updated.
Log to File
13: Statistics 2: Link Status 1: Configuration 5: Log to File
When you select the Log to File option, the system prompts you to enter a file
name or press
to cancel.
If you press the
key, the Link Status Settings Menu reappears.
If you enter a file name, for example, MyFile, the system saves the log to that file
and returns a message:
Save to file option enabled (MyFile.csv).