
4 – Interactive Commands
Statistics Menu (Command Line Options -gs and -ls)
SN0054614-00 F 4-79
If you select the Manual Poll option, the system prompts you to enter a value for
Manual Poll iteration:
Manual Poll iteration (1-256)
Enter a value from 1 to 256 and press ENTER. The system updates the Manual
Poll iteration value and returns the following message:
Manual Poll updated.
Set Rate
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Configuration 4: Set Rate
The system prompts you to enter a value for the sampling rate (the current rate is
shown in parentheses):
Sampling Rate Seconds [5-30](n):
Enter a value from 5 to 30 and press ENTER. The system updates the sampling
rate and returns a message:
Sampling rate updated.
Log to File
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Configuration 5: Log To file
When you select the Log to File option, the system prompts you to enter a file
name or press RETURN to cancel.
If you press the ENTER key, the HBA Statistics Settings Menu reappears.
If you enter a file name, for example, MyFile, the system saves the log to that file
and returns a message:
Save to file option enabled (MyFile.csv).
The file name extension .csv indicates a Comma Separated Value file type.
Show HBA Statistics
13: Statistics 1: HBA Statistics 1: Show HBA Statistics
To view the HBA port statistics:
1. From the Main Menu, type the number for the Statistics option, and then
press ENTER.
2. From the Statistics Menu, type the number for the HBA Statistics option,
and then press ENTER.