
3 – Initial Installation
Installing SANsurfer FC HBA CLI
3-10 SN0054614-00 F
2. To uncompress the file, type the following:
# uncompress scli-x.xx.xx-xx.x86.Solaris.pkg
3. To see the available package file, type the following:
# ls
The available packages appear. For example:
# scli.x.xx.xx-xx.SPARC-X86.Solaris.pkg
4. To install SANsurfer FC HBA CLI, type the following:
# pkgadd -d scli-x.xx.xx-xx.SPARC-X86.Solaris.pkg
5. You are prompted to select a package. For example:
The following packages are available:
1 QLSclix QLogic SANsurfer FC HBA CLI (HBA Configuration Utility)
(i386) x.xx.xx Build xx
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all
packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: q
Enter 1 to proceed the installation.
6. Type the number that corresponds to your operating system, and then press
The pkgadd program does a series of checks, posts a script warning, and
asks whether to continue the installation. For example:
Processing package instance <QLSclix> from
SANsurfer FC HBA CLI (HBA Configuration Utility) (sparc)
1.xx.xx (Build xx Solaris 8-10)
QLogic Corporation
## Executing checkinstall script.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information. 3 package pathnames are
already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
In the file name, x.xx.xx-xx stands for the current version of SANsurfer
FC HBA CLI. The -xx stands for the build version.