C – Troubleshooting
InfiniPath MPI Troubleshooting
C-14 IB6054601-00 D
$ mpirun -v
MPIRUN:Infinipath Release2.0 : Built on Wed Nov 19 17:28:58 PDT
2006 by mee
The following is the error that occurs when mpirun from the 2.0 release is being
used with the 1.3 libraries:
$ mpirun-ipath-ssh -np 2 -ppn 1 -m ~/tmp/idev osu_latency
MPIRUN: mpirun from the 2.0 software distribution requires all
node processes to be running 2.0 software. At least node
<nodename> uses non-2.0 MPI libraries
Cross-compilation Issues
The 2.x PathScale compilers aren’t currently supported on systems that use the
GNU 4.x compilers and compiler environment (header files and libraries). This
includes Fedora Core 4, Fedora Core 5 and SLES 10. The GNU 4.x environment
will be supported in the PathScale Complier Suite 3.0 release.
The current workaround for this is to compile on a supported and compatible
distribution, then run the executable on one of the systems that uses the GNU 4.x
compilers and environment.
■ To run on FC4 or FC5, install FC3 or RHEL4/CentOS on your build machine.
Compile your application on this machine.
■ To run on SLES 10, install SUSE 9.3 on your build machine. Compile your
application on this machine.
■ Alternatively, gcc can be used as the default compiler. Set mpicc -cc=gcc as
described in section 3.5.3 "To Use Another Compiler".
Next, on the machines in your cluster on which the job will run, install compatibility
libraries. These libraries include C++ and Fortran compatibility shared libraries and
For an FC4 or FC5 system, you would need:
■ pathscale-compilers-libs (for FC3)
■ compat-gcc-32
■ compat-gcc-32-g77
■ compat-libstdc++-33