C – Troubleshooting
InfiniPath MPI Troubleshooting
IB6054601-00 D C-23
Found unknown timer type type
unknown frame type type
recv done: available_tids now n, but max is m (freed p)
cancel recv available_tids now n, but max is m (freed %p)
[n] Src lid error: sender: x, exp send: y
Frame receive from unknown sender. exp. sender = x, came from y
Failed to allocate memory for eager buffer addresses: str
The following error messages probably indicate a hardware or connectivity problem:
Failed to get IB Unit LID for any unit
Failed to get our IB LID
Failed to get number of Infinipath units
In these cases you can try to reboot, then call Support.
The following indicate a mismatch between the InfiniPath interconnect hardware in
use and the version for which the software was compiled:
Number of buffer avail registers is wrong; have n, expected m
build mismatch, tidmap has n bits, ts_map m
These indicate a mismatch between the InfiniPath software and hardware versions.
Consult Support after verifying that current drivers and libraries are installed.
The following are all informative messages about driver initialization problems. They
are not necessarily fatal themselves, but sometimes indicate problems that interfere
with the application. In the actual printed output all of them are prefixed with the
name of the function that produced them.
Failed to get LID for unit u: str
Failed to get number of units: str
GETPORT ioctl failed: str
can't allocate memory for ipath_ctrl_typ: type
can't stat infinipath device to determine type: type
file descriptor is not for a real device, failing
get info ioctl failed: str
ipath_get_num_units called before init
ipath_get_unit_lid called before init
mmap64 of egr bufs from h failed: str
mmap64 of pio buffers at %llx failed: str
mmap64 of pioavail registers (%llx) failed: str
mmap64 of rcvhdr q failed: str
mmap64 of user registers at %llx failed: str
userinit allocation of rcvtail memory failed: str
userinit ioctl failed: str
Failed to set close on exec for device: str
NOTE: These messages should never occur. Please inform Support if they do.