IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary C-1
C Configuration Files
Table C-1 contains descriptions of the configuration and configuration template
files used by the InfiniPath and OpenFabrics software.
Table C-1. Configuration Files
Configuration File Name Description
/etc/infiniband/qlgc_vnic.cfg VirtualNIC configuration file. Create this file
after running
ib_qlgc_vnic_query to
get the information you need. This file was
named /etc/infini-
band/qlogic_vnic.cfg or
/etc/sysconfig/ics_inic.cfg in
previous releases. See the sample file
qlgc_vnic.cfg.sample (described
below) to see how it should be set up.
/etc/modprobe.conf Specifies options for modules when added
or removed by the modprobe command.
Also used for creating aliases. PAT
write-combing option is set here.
For Red Hat systems.
/etc/modprobe.conf.local Specifies options for modules when added
or removed by the modprobe command.
Also used for creating aliases. PAT
write-combing option is set here.
For SLES systems.
/etc/infiniband/openib.conf The primary configuration file for Infini-
Path, OFED modules, and other modules
and associated daemons. Automatically
loads additional modules or changes IPoIB
transport type.
/etc/sysconfig/infinipath Contains settings, including the one that
sets the ipath_mtrr script to run on