Hardware Installation
Hardware Installation
4-14 Preliminary IB0056101-00 G.02
7. Remove the QLogic QHT7140 from the anti-static bag.
8. Locate the face plate on the connector edge of the card.
9. Connect the QLogic adapter and HTX riser card together, forming the
assembly that you will insert into your motherboard. First, visually line up the
adapter slot connector edge with the edge connector of the HTX riser card
(see Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8. QLogic QHT7140 Adapter with Riser Card
10. Holding the QLogic adapter by its edges, carefully insert the card slot
connector into the HTX riser card edge connector, as show in Figure 4-8.
The result is a combined L-shaped assembly of the HTX riser card and
QLogic adapter. This assembly is what you will insert into the HTX slot on
the motherboard in the next step.
11. Turn the assembly so that the riser card connector edge is facing the HTX
slot on the motherboard, and the face plate is toward the front of the chassis.
12. Holding this assembly above the motherboard at about a 45 degree angle,
slowly lower it so that the connector on the face plate clears the blanking
panel opening of the chassis from the inside. Slowly align the connector
edge of the HTX riser card with the motherboard’s HTX slot. The HTX riser
and HTX slot must line up perfectly.
Be careful not to touch any of the components on the printed circuit
board during these steps. You can hold the adapter by its face plate or
HTX Riser Card
InfiniBand Connector
Face Plate
QLogic Adapter