SANsurfer iSCSI HBA CLI User’s Guide
Command Line Interface for QLogic iSCSI Host Bus Adapters
Index-2 SN0054621-00 E
iSCSI drive 4-13
target information
clearing primary 4-36, 5-6
clearing secondary 4-36, 5-6
setting primary 4-35, 5-24
setting secondary 4-35, 5-29
boot code, definition of Glossary-1
boot device, definition of Glossary-1
-bootcode 4-13, 5-4
code image, updating 4-13, 5-4
information, displaying 4-35
mode, setting 4-35, 5-4
settings, editing 4-34
viewing info about 5-4
-bootcodemode 4-35, 5-4
bound targets, persistent, displaying 5-25
brand field, viewing 4-18
buffer sense A-3
burst length, maximum 5-21, A-8, C-3
-c 4-22, 5-5
definition of Glossary-1
destination, displaying 4-33, 5-7
neighbor, displaying 4-33
CCIN, viewing 4-18
-ch 4-12, 5-5
authentication C-4
bidirectional authentication, target iSCSI
I/O C-4
configuring 4-40
default bidirectional (BIDI), adding 4-43,
entry 4-42
adding 5-3
assigning to target 4-42, 5-19
deleting 4-44, 5-7
displaying targets 4-41, 5-6
editing 4-43, 5-11
iSCSI bidirectional CHAP
authentication A-6
iSCSI CHAP authentication A-6
table, displaying 4-41, 5-9
-chapmap 4-41, 5-6
chip version 4-12
class driver, definition of Glossary-2
Class of Service, See CoS
class, IPv6 traffic A-6
client ID, alternative, setting 4-36, 5-29
CNA, definition of Glossary-2
codes, error D-1
interactive mode D-1
non-interactive mode D-5
comma separated values (CSV) file, definition
of Glossary-2
command line
format 5-1
installation 2-9
mode 3-1, 5-1
non-interactive mode, starting 3-2
uninstall 2-12
variables 5-2
non-interactive 5-1
-acb 5-3
-addchap 4-42, 5-3
-arp 4-32, 5-3
-b 4-14, 5-3
-binfo 4-35, 5-4
-bootcode 4-13, 5-4
-bootcodemode 4-35, 5-4
-c 4-22, 5-5
-ch 4-12, 5-5
-chapmap 4-41, 5-6
-cpbootcode 4-36, 5-6
-csbootcode 4-36, 5-6
-d 4-11, 5-6
-dc 4-33, 5-7
-defbidi 4-43, 5-7
-delchap 4-44, 5-7
-df 5-8
-dp 5-8
-dr 4-33, 5-8