
5 – Non-Interactive Mode Commands
Non-interactive Commands
SN0054621-00 E 5-3
Non-interactive Commands
This section contains an alphabetical list of the SANsurfer iSCSI HBA CLI
commands used in non-interactive mode.
To inquire whether the ACB (access method control block) firmware functions are
supported, enter the -acb command. In general, up-to-date firmware and driver
are required for ACB to be supported.
(Add a CHAP Entry)
To add a CHAP entry to the persistent CHAP table, enter the -addchap
command as follows:
-addchap [-BIDI] <hba_port_inst> <CHAP Name> <CHAP Secret>
The optional parameter [-BIDI] shows that the CHAP entry is BIDI
(bidirectional). When this parameter is not specified (default), the CHAP entry is
Issuing this command resets the HBA. For more information on CHAP and the
interactive version of this command, see “Add a CHAP Entry (CLI Option
-addchap)” on page 4-42.
(Display ARP Table)
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache keeps a record of host port
connections with other hardware (such as targets) on the network. The IP
address/MAC address pairs are dynamic entries that are removed after 10
minutes. To view the ARP table, enter the -arp command as follows:
-arp <hba_port_inst>
For information on the interactive version of this command, see “Display ARP
Table (CLI Option -arp)” on page 4-32.
(HBA Reset)
To reset the specified HBA after making configuration changes, enter the -b
command as follows:
-b <hba_port_inst>