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December 6, 2011
EDGE 60 Pellet Fireplace
14. Chimney Inspection and Cleaning..
• Frequency: Prior to each burn season and after pro-
longed shut down.
• By: Qualifi ed Service Technician/Homeowner
In order to properly clean your chimney you will need
the following items. Make sure you have a Correctly
sized chimney brush, chimney brush rods or rope and
pull rings (depending on method used), fi replace cover
(for use with an ash vacuum or to contain dust), protec-
tive covering for furniture and rugs, tape, metal bucket,
small shovel and broom, vacuum cleaner, and a power-
ful fl ashlight.
There are four common methods used to control the
brush for effective cleaning.
1. Flexible Rod Method, Top Down (Preferred
Method): Seal off fi replace or stove opening to prevent
soot from entering the home. For fi replaces a Fireplace
Cover is a great way to seal off the opening and allow
a vacuum cleaner to attach to keep the dust out of your
home. Attach the brush securely to the fl exible rod and
lower into the top of the chimney, add more rods as nec-
essary to reach the fl ue bottom. Work the brush up and
down several times until the chimney is clean. Use a
powerful fl ashlight to look into the chimney to be sure
you have cleaned it completely.
2. Flexible Rod Method, Bottom-up: Insert brush and
rod up through the fi replace damper or chimney clean-
out door. Add more rods as necessary to reach the top
of the chimney. This method is often messy since seal-
ing the opening cannot be done during cleaning. Cover
area around opening to prevent staining rugs, furniture,
etc. Use a powerful fl ashlight to look into the chimney to
be sure you have cleaned it completely. Work the brush
up and down several times until the chimney is clean.
3. Line and Weight Method: Seal off fi replace or
stove opening to prevent soot from entering the home.
Securely attach a compact 20-pound (minimum) weight
to one end of the brush with one accessory pull ring and
attach a rope that is more than long enough to reach
the bottom of the fl ue, to the other brush end. Lower the
brush into the chimney and up again until the chimney is
clean. Use a powerful fl ashlight to look into the chimney
to be sure you have cleaned it completely.
4. Dual Line Method: This method requires two
people, one on the roof and one below at the clean-out
or fi replace opening. Attach one rope to each end of the
brush. Drop one rope down the chimney to the person
below. Cleaning is done by alternately pulling the ropes
to vigorously move the brush up and down in the fl ue.
This method is often messy since sealing off the open-
ing cannot be done during cleaning.
Cover area around opening to prevent staining of rugs,
furniture, etc… Work the brush up and down sev-
eral times until the chimney is clean. Use a powerful
fl ashlight to look into the chimney to be sure you have
cleaned it completely. Follow clean-up directions below.
For All Methods: Sweep or vacuum up all residues
prior to using stove or fi replace. Be especially careful
to check the debris behind the damper and smoke shelf
area, in elbows or “T” connections. Special hand held
chimney cleaning brushes are available to reach hard-
to-clean areas. Clean a wire bristle chimney brush after
use and coat with a rust preservative. During the burn-
ing season we highly recommend the use of Anti-Creo-
Soot or another creosote remover product to reduce the
build-up of creosote deposits.