December 6, 2011
Page 21
EDGE 60 Pellet Fireplace
1. Metallic noise
1. Noise is caused by metal expanding and contracting as it heats
up and cools down, similar to the sound produced by a furnace or
heating duct. This noise does not affect the operation or longevity
of your appliance.
2. Ash buildup on glass
2. This is normal. Clean the glass.
3. Glass has turned dirty
3. Excessive build up of ash. The lower burn settings will produce
more ash, the higher burn settings produce less. The more it burns
on low the more frequent cleaning of the glass is required.
4. Fire has tall fl ames with black tails and is lazy
4. The fl ame height adjustment needs to be reduced or the fi repot
needs cleaning. Heat exchanger & combustion blower needs
5. Excessive smokey start-up
5. Either the fi repot is dirty or there is too much fuel at start-up and not
enough air.
6. Large fl ame at start-up
6. This is normal. Flame will settle down once the fi re is established.
Some smoke is normal.
7. Mechanical Noise
7. The fl oor of the fi repot in the auto-clean system may make some
noise as it scrapes the ash into the ash pan.
Odors and vapors are released during initial operation due to the curing of high tem-
perature paint. Open windows for air circulation. Odors may be irritating to sensitive individuals.
Troubleshooting for Homeowner
A. Frequently Asked Questions