Eudora User Manual Creating a Desktop Phonebook Shortcut
QUALCOMM Incorporated
This script is compatible with both Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.x Dialup Networking
tools. If the login sequence fails, then the script will halt, leaving you free to attempt a
manual login via the popup Dialup Networking terminal window.
Creating a Desktop Phonebook Shortcut
You may find it convenient to create a desktop shortcut to your Phonebook entry, some-
thing we recommend.
To create a Phonebook shortcut under Windows 95/98:
1 Open the Dialup Networking folder, then drag a Phonebook icon to your Windows
2 To rename the shortcut label, select the shortcut icon and press F2, or just click on the
shortcut label twice, slowly.
To create a Phonebook shortcut under Windows NT 4.x:
1 Open the Dialup Networking tool, click the More button, and select the Create
shortcut to entry… item.
2 Choose a name for the shortcut in the Save dialog, then save the shortcut to your
Desktop folder.
To test the Dialup Networking connection, double-click on the shortcut icon on your
Desktop. Once your Phonebook entry successfully and automatically creates a TCP/IP
connection to your Internet Service Provider, you are ready to configure Eudora to auto-
matically dial the Phonebook entry.
Configuring Eudora to Auto-Dial the Phonebook Entry
If you connect to your Internet Service Provider with a modem, you can easily configure
Eudora to automatically “dial on demand” using Microsoft Dialup Networking. Eudora only
needs a connection to your provider when performing network operations such as
checking or sending mail, or when performing a directory services lookup. When Eudora is
configured to auto-dial, it automatically hangs up the connection when the network opera-
tion is complete.
Before you can configure Eudora to auto-dial, you must create and configure a Microsoft
Dialup Networking Phonebook entry to automatically connect to your Internet Service
Provider (see the procedures above).
To auto-dial a Dialup Networking Phonebook entry, start Eudora, select Options... from
the Tools menu to display the Options dialog, then click on the Advanced Network cate-
gory. Check the Automatically dial & hangup this connection option. In the Entry list,
select the Phonebook entry you want to dial. In the Username edit box, enter the user-
name, if any, that is required to log in to your Internet Service Provider (this is the value
that is substituted for the $USERID variable in your Dialup Networking script). Check the
Save password option if you want Eudora to save your Dialup Networking password in
the Eudora.ini file. If you leave the Save password option turned off, then Eudora will
prompt you to enter your password each time it auto-dials the Phonebook entry.