Eudora User Manual Mappings
QUALCOMM Incorporated
This is a sample [Mappings] section. It is not a default for Eudora if you have a missing or
empty [Mappings] section. The [Mappings] section contains information for mapping
between computer file extensions, Macintosh creator and type, and MIME type and
subtype for attachment files (in that order). Entries marked "in" work on only incoming
messages, and entries marked "out" work on only outgoing messages. Entries marked
"both" work on both incoming and outgoing messages.
For a more detailed explanation, see “MIME and Mapping” on page 253. Click the page
number to display the topic.
UsePOPSend 0 If UsePOPSend is on, Eudora will send mail using the
POP3 extended command XTND XMIT. Since this is an
optional command for POP3, many POP3 servers do not
support this command (Berkeley’s popper, however,
does). There are pros and cons to using POP3 to send
your mail. It provides a level of security since it requires a
username/password pair to send mail messages, unlike
SMTP. It is faster than SMTP, especially when checking
for new mail at the same time. It doesn’t check for valid
recipients until the entire message is sent, and some
implementations (Berkeley’s popper, for example) won’t
tell you which recipients are invalid and will send the
message to the valid recipients anyway.
UserChangeLex uchange.tlx Filename of user-defined list of words to change when
spell checking.
UserIgnoreLex uignore.tlx Filename of user-defined list of words to ignore when
spell checking.
UserSuggestLex usuggest.tlx Filename of user-defined list of words to suggest when
spell checking.
360 When you get a link reminder, if you select Remind Me
Later, the minimum wait until the next reminder.
WordWrapColumn 76 When the "Word wrap" switch is on, this is the column in
which lines in outgoing messages are wrapped.
WordWrapMax 80 When the "Word wrap" switch is on, this is the length at
which a line in an outgoing message is considered too
long and must be wrapped.
WordWrapOnScreen 0 If this is on (set to non-zero), then the composition
window will automatically wrap text on the screen at the
number of characters specified in WordWrapColumn,
regardless of the width of the window.
Entry Default Value Description