
001596-01 Rev A07 May 2004 5-1
Chapter 5DLT VS80 Firmware
This chapter explains how to update your tape drive’s firmware from a DLTtape IV data cartridge or
from a file on the host server or workstation.
5.1 Updating Tape Drive Firmware—Overview
The DLT VS80 automatically updates the tape drive’s firmware directly from a DLTtape IV data
cartridge containing the appropriate information. The tape drive also updates the tape drive’s firmware
from the host server or workstation. See the WRITE BUFFER command in the DLT1/VS80 SCSI
Interface Guide.
AUTION During a firmware update, take reasonable precautions to
prevent a power failure. During the firmware update process,
when the new firmware is actually being programmed into the
Flash EEPROM, a power failure—but not a Bus Reset—
causes the tape drive’s controller module to become unstable.