Using DTMF Page
DTMF page lets other operators page you. To turn on DTMF page,
appears. The HTX-242 does not pass trans-
missions to the speaker until it receives the sequence you stored in
DTMF Memory 0. If DTMF Memory 0 is empty, DTMF page does
not operate.
When you receive a DTMF page, the HTX-242 turns on the speaker
and turns off DTMF page so all transmissions come through.
Using Group Calling
Group calling lets you page several users at once. Each user must
have a transceiver that has this feature. When the HTX-242
receives at least three DTMF tones followed by the sequence A-B-C,
it compares the DTMF tones it received before the A-B-C with the
sequence in DTMF Memory 0. If the tones match, it operates as if it
received the entire sequence.
For example, if these sequences are assigned to a group:
If you turn on auto-reply, the HTX-242 immediately sends the
sequence in the currently selected DTMF memory when it
receives the sequence you set. See “Using Auto-Reply” on
Page 34.
If you turn on tone-alert, the HTX-242 sounds four tones when it
receives its DTMF sequence you set. See “Setting the DTMF Page
and Subaudible Tone Alert” on Page 37.
If you turn on DTMF auto send, the HTX-242 opens squelch only
for transmissions that start with the sequence stored in DTMF
Memory 0. After the transmission, DTMF squelch is still turned on.
See “Using DTMF Auto Send” on Page 35.
Name Assignment DTMF Page Sequence
George West Side 4654321
Bob West Side 4654254
Doug East Side 4651823
Bill North Side 4652252
Cary East Side 4651855
Paul South Side 4653552
Kim North Side 4652183
James South Side 4653122
Beth East Side 4651931