Installation and User’s Guide
Managing Tasks and Appointments — Using the Calendar function
the bar for afternoon appointments will typically appear near the
bottom of the date.
Agenda view
This view displays only the days on which you have appointments,
allowing you to see your “agenda”. The appointments appear in
chronological order starting with the earliest appointments at the
top. Each entry in the Agenda view includes the time, the subject,
and the location of the appointment. A sidebar to the left of the start
time spans the length of the appointment. If you have set a reminder
for the appointment, an alarm icon appears beside the subject.
To add appointments
1. In the Home screen, scroll to the CALENDAR icon and click.
2. In the Calendar screen, click to view the menu. Scroll to New
Appointment and click.
3. In the New Appointment screen, use the trackwheel to go from
field to field, adding information for the appointment. Press
ENTER to go to the next field.