Get to know your handheld — Turning on your handheld
Installation and User’s Guide
• Allow the handheld to complete its charging cycle every time
you attempt to charge it. Do not remove the handheld from the
cradle while the green LED is flashing. A charging cycle is
complete when the green LED is solid.
• Keeping the handheld in the cradle for a short time (5-15
minutes) during synchronization with your PC will not
negatively affect the rechargeable battery. However, keeping
the handheld in the cradle longer than the time required for
synchronizing, yet not long enough to complete the battery
charging cycle, is not recommended.
• When using a non-rechargable battery, such as an Alkaline cell,
unplug the AC adapter from the charging cradle while
synchronizing to ensure that the cradle does not attempt to
charge the alkaline battery.
• Only recharge your handheld when the battery level indicator
on the handheld’s Home screen shows one or two bars. Do not
recharge when the battery level is at three or more bars.
Turning on your handheld
1. Click (press down) on the trackwheel. The Home screen
appears, from which you can select any of the handheld’s main
2. Using the trackwheel, scroll through the icons to view the
functions. The name of each function appears at the bottom of
the screen.
3. To select a function, scroll to the appropriate icon and click the
trackwheel to open that function’s screen.
You can also select a function by pressing the underlined
character in the function’s name. For example, press M for