Get History
History information can be useful when debugging, troubleshooting, or administering a target
device. The Get History feature:
• Allows you to view the recent history of console sessions by displaying the console
messages to and from the target device.
• Displays up to 256 KB (64KB only on models with 64MB SDRAM; 256KB available on
128MB SDRAM Models) of recent console message history. This allows a user to see
target device events over time.
When the size limit is reached, the text will wrap, overwriting the oldest data with the newest.
Notes: Verify the memory on your unit from the Maintenance->Configuration menu.
History data is displayed only to the user who requested the history.
To view the Session History, click Get History on the Emulator menu.
Clear History
To clear the history, click Clear History on the Emulator menu.
Get Write Access
Only Administrators and Operators can get write access. The user with Write Access can send
commands to the target device. Write Access can be transferred among users working in the
Raritan Serial Client via the Get Write Access command.
10. To enable Write Access, click Get Write Access on the Emulator menu.
• You now have Write Access to the target device.
• When another user assumes Write Access from you,
o The RSC displays a red block before Write Access in the status bar.
o A message alerting the user who currently has Write Access appears to tell that
user that another user has taken over access to the console.
Get Write Lock
1. To get write lock, click Get Write Lock on the Emulator menu.
2. If the Get Write Lock is not available, a request rejected message appears:
Write Unlock
To get Write Unlock, click Write Unlock on the Emulator menu.
Send Break
Some target systems such as Sun Solaris servers require the transmission of a null character
(Break) to generate the OK prompt. This is equivalent to issuing a STOP-A from the Sun
• Only users with Administrator privileges can send a break.
• Users who are Operator or Observers cannot send a break.
To send an intentional “break” to a Sun Solaris server:
1. Verify that you have Write Access. If not, follow the instructions in the previous section
to obtain write access.
2. Click Send Break on the Emulator menu.
A Send Break Ack (Acknowledgement) pop-up appears.
3. Click OK.