Login Settings
Click Login Settings on the Security Settings screen to access the Login Settings screen, which
contains the Local Authentication, Login Handling, and Strong Password Settings panels..
Figure 54 Login Settings Screen
Local Authentication
1. Go to the Local Authentication panel and click the Enable Local Authentication checkbox.
2. The system displays these defaults in the following fields:
• Inactive Login Expiry (days): 330
• Invalid Login Retries: 3
• Lockout Period on Invalid Login (minutes): 5
3. Accept the system defaults or type your own.
Login Handling
1. Go to the Login Handling panel and enter a value in the User Idle Timeout (minutes) field.
This is the length of inactive time, after which the user is timed out. Default is to 0, which
effectively disables this feature.
2. To enable single login only, click the Single Login per User checkbox. Only one user can
log in at a time using the same profile.
3. Click the Anonymous Port Access checkbox to turn this feature on. An Anonymous User
Group is created by default and it can’t be deleted even by the Administrator. It is visible/not
visible in Group List if Anonymous Port Access is unchecked/checked.
Note: Refer to Chapter 7 for additional information about anonymous port access.