KX II-101 Quick Setup Guide 2
QSG-DKX2-101-v2.40-0C-E y 255-62-3061-00
Windows XP®/Windows 2003® Settings
To configure the mouse:
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Mouse.
2. On the Pointer Options tab in the Motion group, set the
mouse motion speed setting to exactly the middle speed
and deselect the Enhanced pointer precision checkbox.
Click OK.
To disable transition effects:
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Display.
2. On the Appearance tab, click the Effects button.
3. Deselect the Use the following transition effect for menus
and tooltips checkbox. Click OK.
Windows Vista® Settings
To configure the mouse:
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Mouse.
2. On the Pointer Options tab in the Motion group, set the
mouse motion speed setting to exactly the middle speed
and deselect the Enhanced pointer precision option. Click
To disable animation and fade effects:
1. Select Start > Settings >Control Panel > System >
Advanced system settings. The System Properties dialog
2. Click the Advanced tab and click the Settings button in the
Performance group. The Performance Options dialog
3. Under Custom options, deselect the following checkboxes:
Animate controls and elements inside windows
Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
4. Click OK.
Linux® Settings
On a target server running Linux graphical interfaces, set the
mouse acceleration to exactly 1 and set threshold to exactly 1.
Enter the command xset mouse 1 1.
Ensure that a target server running Linux is using a resolution
supported by the KX II-101 at a standard VESA resolution and
refresh rate. A Linux target server should also be set so the
blanking times are within +/- 40% of VESA standard values.
To check for these parameters:
1. Go to the Xfree86 Configuration file XF86Config.
2. Using a text editor, disable all non-KX II-101 supported
3. Disable the virtual desktop feature, which is not supported
by the KX II-101.
4. Check blanking times (+/- 40% of VESA standard).
5. Restart the computer.
Note: In many Linux graphical environments, the command
Ctrl+Alt+ + (plus sign) changes the video resolution, scrolling
through all available resolutions that remain enabled in the
XF86Config file.
Sun™ Solaris™ Settings
Set the mouse acceleration value to exactly 1 and the
threshold to exactly 1. A target server running the Solaris
operating system must output VGA video (H-and-V sync, not
composite sync). Set this at the graphical user interface or
with the command line xset mouse a t where a is the
acceleration and t is the threshold.
Apple Macintosh® Settings
Mac works with the KX II-101 'out of the box.' However, you
must use Absolute Mouse Synchronization and enable
Absolute Mouse mode and mouse scaling for Mac servers on
the KX II-101 Port page.
To enable this setting:
1. Choose Device Settings > Port Configuration. The Port
Configuration Page opens.
2. Click the Port Name for the port you want to edit.
3. In the USB Connection Settings section, select the Enable
Absolute Mouse checkbox and the "Enable Absolute
mouse scaling for MAC server" checkbox. Click OK.
IBM AIX® Settings
1. Go to the Style Manager.
2. Click on Mouse Settings and set the Mouse Acceleration
to 1.0 and Threshold to 3.0.
QS Rule
Step 2: Configure Network Firewall Settings
To access the KX II-101 through a network firewall, your
firewall must allow communication on TCP Port 5000.
Alternatively, the KX II-101 can be configured to use a
different TCP port of your own designation.
To take advantage of the KX II-101's web-access capabilities,
the firewall must allow inbound communication on TCP Port
443 - the standard TCP port for HTTPS communication. To
take advantage of the KX II-101's redirection of HTTP
requests to HTTPS (so that users may type the more
common, http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, instead of
https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), the firewall must also allow inbound
communication on TCP Port 80 - the standard TCP port for
HTTP communication.
QS Rule
Step 3: Connect the KX II-101
The KX II-101 can be powered with either the included
standard AC power pack or by PoE (Power over Ethernet).