KX II-101 Quick Setup Guide 5
QSG-DKX2-101-v2.40-0C-E y 255-62-3061-00
Step 4: Configure the KX II-101
Change the Default Password
When you first log into the Remote Console, you are
prompted to set a new password to replace the default. Then
you can configure the KX II-101.
1. Log into a workstation with network connectivity to your KX
II-101 device.
2. Launch a supported web browser such as Internet
Explorer (IE) or Firefox.
3. In the address field of the browser, enter the default IP
address of the device:
4. Press Enter. The login page opens.
5. Enter the user name admin and the password raritan.
6. Click Login. The Change Password page is displayed.
7. Type raritan in the Old Password field.
8. Type a new password in the New Password field and the
Confirm New Password field. Passwords can be up to 64
characters long and can consist of English alphanumeric
and printable special characters.
9. Click Apply. You will receive confirmation that the
password was successfully changed.
10. Click OK. The Port Access page opens.
Assign an IP Address
1. Choose Device Settings > Network. The Network Settings
page opens.
2. Specify a meaningful Device Name for your KX II-101
device using up to 32 alphanumeric characters, valid
special characters, and no spaces.
3. In the IP Address section, enter or select the appropriate
network settings:
a. Enter the IP Address if needed. The default IP address
b. Enter the Subnet Mask. The default subnet mask is
c. Enter the Default Gateway if None is selected from the
IP Auto Configuration drop-down.
d. Enter the Preferred DHCP Host Name if DHCP is
selected from the IP Auto Configuration drop-down.
Note: The recommended maximum host name length is
80 characters.
e. Select the IP Auto Configuration. The following options
are available:
None (Static IP) - This option requires that you
manually specify the network parameters.
This is the recommended option because the KX II-101
is an infrastructure device and its IP address should
not change.
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used
by networked computers (clients) to obtain unique IP
addresses and other parameters from a DHCP server.
With this option, network parameters are assigned by
the DHCP server. If DHCP is used, enter the Preferred
host name (DHCP only). Up to 80 characters.
4. Select Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically if DHCP
is selected and Obtain DNS Server Address is enabled.
When Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically, the DNS
information provided by the DHCP server will be used.
5. If Use the Following DNS Server Addresses is selected,
regardless of whether DHCP is selected, the addresses
entered in this section will be used to connect to the DNS
Enter the following information if the Following DNS
Server Addresses option is selected. These addresses
are the primary and secondary DNS addresses that will
be used if the primary DNS server connection is lost due
to an outage.
a. Primary DNS Server IP Address
b. Secondary DNS Server IP Address
6. When finished, click OK. Your KX II-101 is now network
QS Rule
Step 5: Create User Groups and Users
To add a new user group:
1. Open the Group page by selecting User Management >
Add New User Group or clicking the Add button from the
User Group List page.
The Group page is organized into the following categories:
Group, Permissions, Port Permissions, and IP ACL.
2. Type a descriptive name for the new user group into the
Group Name field.
3. Set the permissions for the group. Select the checkboxes
before the permissions you want to assign to all of the
users belonging to this group.
4. Set the port permissions. Specify the server ports that can
be accessed by users belonging to this group (and the
type of access).
5. Set the IP ACL. This feature limits access to the KX II-101
device by specifying IP addresses. It applies only to users
belonging to a specific group, unlike the IP Access Control
list feature that applies to all access attempts to the device
(and takes priority). Optional
6. Click OK.
To add a new user:
1. Open the User page by choosing User Management > Add
New User or clicking the Add button on the User List page.
2. Type a unique name in the Username field (up to 16
3. Type the person's full name in the Full Name field (up to
64 characters).
4. Type a password in the Password field and retype the
password in the Confirm Password field (up to 64