Add and Remove Outlets
Once the user list is populated, specific outlets can be assigned or removed from any user’s control.
When viewing the list of users, type the user number to assign outlets at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key.
The Add/Remove outlets menu appears below the user list.
Once a user is specified, type the numbers <1> or <2> at the Enter Request: prompt to add or remove specific outlet
assignations. Type the numbers <3> or <4> to add or remove all
outlet assignations with just one command. Assign or remove
command of multiple outlets to the same user by typing the outlet numbers separated by commas at the command prompt.
When finished, press the <Enter> key at the Enter Request: prompt twice to return to the Configuration menu.
For Example:
To assign all outlets to user “Raritan,” type the number <1> for user 1, “Raritan,” at the command prompt and press the <Enter>
key. “Raritan’s” list of assigned outlets appears. As a new user, “Raritan” does not control any outlets, indicated by the N below
each outlet number.
Type the number <3> to assign all outlets to “Raritan” and press the <Enter> key. The status will change to read Y below each
outlet number:
Enter User Number to Assign Outlets, A, D, R>
Enter Request: 1
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1) Raritan | N |N |N | N | N |N | N | N|
1) Add an outlet
2) Remove an outlet
3) Add all outlets
Enter Request: 3
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1) Raritan | Y | Y |Y | Y | Y |Y | Y | Y |
1) Add an outlet
2) Remove an outlet
3) Add all outlets
4) Remove all outlets
Enter Request: