For Example:
If “Raritan” currently controls all outlets, to remove control of outlets 1, 4, 5, and 6, type <1, 4, 5, 6>at the Enter Request:
prompt and press the <Enter> key. The status of the assigned outlet will change from Y to N below the removed Outlets.
Press the <Enter> key at the Enter Request: prompt to return to the list of all users.
Change Outlet Names
Default outlet names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, … through Outlet 8 on the PCR8, Outlet 1 through Outlet 12 on the PCS12, and
Outlet 1 through Outlet 20 on the PCS20. Change any outlet name for a customized configuration.
At the Configuration menu prompt, type the number <2> and press the <Enter> key. A list of all available outlets appears:
Type the number of the outlet to be renamed at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key. Confirm that the outlet
name is to be modified, enter the new outlet name at the Enter: prompt, and press the <Enter> key. The new outlet name
appears in the Outlet list.
Press the <Enter> key at the Enter Request: prompt to return to the Configuration menu.
For Example:
To change the name of Outlet 4 to “Router 4,” type the number <4> at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key. A
confirmation screen appears:
Type the letter <Y> to confirm and press the <Enter> key. An Enter prompt appears:
Enter Request> 2
1) . . . Outlet 1
2) . . . Outlet 2
3) . . . Outlet 3
4) . . . Outlet 4
5) . . . Outlet 5
6) . . . Outlet 6
7) . . . Outlet 7
8) . . . Outlet 8
Current Outlet: Outlet 4
Modify (Y/N)?
Enter Request>1
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| Raritan | N | Y | Y| N | N| N| Y | Y |
1) Add an outlet
2) Remove an outlet
3) Add all outlets
4) Remove all outlets