C. Click the name of the port where the EZswitch KVM switch is connected. The
Port page opens.
D. Select KVM Switch.
Figure 42: KVM Switch radio button selected
E. Ensure “Generic Analog KVM Switch” is selected in the KVM Switch Model
F. In the KVM Switch Hot Key Sequence field, select the hot key applied to the
EZswitch KVM switch for channel selection. EZswitch’s default hot key is
“ScrolLock + ScrolLock + SlotNumber.”
Figure 43: KVM Switch Model and KVM Switch Hot Key Sequence fields
G. In the Maximum Number of Target Ports (2-32) field, enter the number of your
EZswitch device’s channels. Type 8 for an 8-port EZswitch KVM switch or 16
for a 16-port EZswitch KVM switch.
H. In the KVM Switch Name field, enter the name you want to use to refer to this
port connection.
I. Activate the channel ports (targets) that the KVM switch hot key sequence will
be applied to by selecting ‘Active’ for each of the ports.
Figure 44: Activation of each port
J. Click OK.