Chapter 7: Device Management
Trap Name Description
ipConflictResolved An IP Address conflict was resolved.
networkFailure An Ethernet interface of the product can no longer
communicate over the network.
networkParameterChanged A change has been made to the network
passwordSettingsChanged Strong password settings have changed.
portConnect A previously authenticated user has begun a KVM
portConnectionDenied A connection to the target port was denied.
portDisconnect A user engaging in a KVM session closes the
session properly.
portStatusChange The port has become unavailable.
powerNotification The power outlet status notification: 1=Active,
powerOutletNotification Power strip device outlet status notification.
rebootCompleted The Dominion KX II has completed its reboot.
rebootStarted The Dominion KX II has begun to reboot, either
through cycling power to the system or by a warm
reboot from the OS.
securityViolation Security violation.
startCCManagement The device has been put under CommandCenter
stopCCManagement The device has been removed from
CommandCenter Management.
userAdded A user has been added to the system.
userAuthenticationFailure A user attempted to log in without a correct
username and/or password.
userConnectionLost A user with an active session has experienced an
abnormal session termination.
userDeleted A user account has been deleted.
userForcedLogout A user was forcibly logged out by Admin
userLogin A user has successfully logged into the Dominion
KX II and has been authenticated.
userLogout A user has successfully logged out of the Dominion
KX II properly.