In This Chapter
Turning Outlets On/Off and Cycling Power
The Dominion KX II allows you to control PX and Baytech powerstrip
outlets connected to the Dominion KX II through a D2CIM-PWR.
Note: For information on setting up a PX, see the Dominion PX User
Once a PX or Baytech is setup and then attached to the Dominion KX II,
the powerstrip and its outlets can be controlled from the Powerstrip page
in the Dominion KX II interface. This page is accessed by clicking on the
Power menu at the top of the page.
From the Powerstrip page, you are able to turn the outlets on and off, as
well as cycle their power. You are also able to view the following
powerstrip and outlet information:
• Powerstrip Device Information:
Current Amps
Maximum Amps
Power in Watts
Power in Volts Ampere
• Outlet Display Information:
Name - Named assigned to the outlet when it was configured.
State - On of Off status of the outlet.
Control - Turn outlets on or off, or cycle their power.
Association - The ports associated with the outlet.
Chapter 8
Powerstrip Outlet Control