Note: The Dual Range
function is not available when
there are active MARPA
Note: Chart Sync and Chart
Overlay are temporarily
disabled in the radar
application when the Dual
Range function is ON.
• Tune Adjust — allows you to ne
tune the radar scanner’s receiver
for maximum returns on the display.
Raymarine recommends that this
function is set to AUTO. If you set
this function to MANUAL and adjust
the setting shortly after powering up
the radar scanner, you should adjust
it again approximately 10 minutes
after powering up the scanner, as
the required setting will change after
the magnetron has warmed up.
• Sea Clutter Curve — radar echoes
from waves can make it difcult to
detect real targets. These echoes
are known as “sea clutter”. Several
factors can affect the level of clutter
you see, including the weather and
sea conditions, and the mounting
height of the radar. The sea clutter
curve setting adjusts the radar’s
sensitivity to sea clutter. The
steepest setting for the curve is 1,
and the most shallow setting is 8.
CURVE (1 to
Parking Offset
• 0 to 358
degrees, in
Antenna Size
• Radome
• 4’ Array
• 6’ Array
• Parking Offset (Digital only) — this
setting is only available when the
radar is set to Off or Standby. The
parking offset determines how the
scanner is aligned to the pedestal.
The default setting is 0 degrees,
with the scanner aligning to the
pedastal, facing forwards.
• Antenna Size — this is used to
specify the size of your radar
Color Palette
(Digital only)
The color palette options enable you to
customize the look of the radar display
for different situations, as follows:
• Bold — uses high color gain,
predominately red, to show weak
targets more intensely.
• Professional 1 — high resolution
palette that uses the full color
range to display the information
discovered by the scanner, just the
strong returns are red.
• Professional 2 — high resolution
palette, displays weaker targets in
browns with more intense targets
displayed in yellows.
• Pathnder — similar to the
Pathnder color palette.
• Night Vision — green.
• Bold
• Professional 1
• Professional 2
• Pathnder
• Night Vision
The measurement point used for
reference when measuring distances
• Mag/True
130 C-Series Widescreen user reference