Menu item Description Options
Business Services
When this menu item
is set to ON, symbols
indicating the location
of a business will be
• ON (default)
Aerial Photo Overlay
Determines the area
that will be displayed for
aerial photo overlay.
• On Land and Sea
• On Land (default)
Roads Determines whether
major coastal roads are
displayed on the chart:
• OFF — coastal roads
are NOT displayed.
• ON — coastal roads
are displayed.
• ON (default)
Additional Wrecks Determines whether
extended information for
new wrecks isdisplayed:
• OFF — extended
wreck information is
NOT displayed.
• ON — extended
wreck information is
• ON (default)
6.8 Moving around the chart
You can move around the chart using the pan and zoom controls.
A combination of zooming and panning is required to move around
the chart and display an area at the appropriate scale.
Note: When you pan the chart, or when you change the scale in
autorange mode; the motion mode is suspended.
Panning moves the displayed chart to a different area. When
the cursor reaches the edge of the screen, the chart pans.
When you zoom in, the chart scale changes to show a smaller
area in more detail. Conversely, if you zoom out the chart area
displayed is increased but the detail is reduced.
Note: The cartographic detail available on charts varies
according to the chart and the chart scale. Some areas provide
detail at smaller scales than others.
A feature of the chart is ‘autoscale’. If you select a chart scale that
does not have cartographic detail in some areas, the chart will use
the most detailed level available for the surrounding area and stretch
it to t the selected scale. This means that you will never have blank
or hatched areas on your screen. However there may be some
mis-alignment of objects which cross the chart boundary in this area.
Zooming in and out
1. To zoom in closer to the picture, press the RANGE IN control.
Using the chart