32 Chapter 3
Using the Remote Control
Chapter 3 33
Using the Remote Control
Programming the Remote Control
HD Receiver’s remote can be programmed to control most brands of remote controllable components. The
remote is already programmed to control most RCA, GE and Proscan components; it may need to be programmed to control
other manufacturers’ brands.
Testing the Remote Control
To determine whether the universal remote control needs to be programmed,
turn a component on, such as a VCR, point the remote at the VCR, and press
the VCR button. Then press the ON•OFF or CH + and CH - buttons to see if
the VCR responds to the remote commands. If not, the remote needs to be
programmed for VCR mode. Repeat for other components and modes.
There are two ways to program the remote control: Automatic Code Search or
Direct Entry.
Using Automatic Code Search
The following instructions can be used to program the remote to control many
of the components connected to your TV. If you want to exit the automatic
code search without programming any of your components, press the EXIT
button until the component button you’re trying to program is no longer lit.
1. Turn on the component you want to control (VCR, DVD player, etc.)
2. Press and hold the button you want to program. While holding the
component button, press and hold ON•OFF until all of the component
buttons (VCR, TV, DVD, DIRECTV, AUX1 and AUX2) ash. Then, release
both buttons.
Note: The AUX1 and AUX2 buttons will only search through the codes
for their default type of component during the automatic code search
– satellite and HD Receivers for AUX1 and audio components for AUX2.
If you want to use these buttons for a different type of component – for
example, a DVD player for AUX1 – then use direct entry to program these
buttons. See the next page for more information.
3. Point the remote at the component, press and release PLAY, then wait ve
seconds or until the component button you’re trying to program stops
At this point the remote control is searching for the correct code to
program, so keep pointing it at the component. If, after ve seconds, the
component you want to control does not turn off, press and release PLAY
again to tell the remote to search the next set of codes.
Continue pressing and releasing PLAY until the component turns off or until
all of the component buttons on the remote ash 4 times in unison. If the
component has not turned off by the time all the component buttons on the
remote control ash 4 times in unison, then the remote cannot control that
particular component. The remote exits auto code search.
If the component you want to control does turn off:
1. Press and release REVERSE, then wait two seconds. Repeat this step until
the component turns back on.
2. To nish, press and hold STOP until the component button you’re trying to
program on the remote control turns off. This saves the code to that button.
Component buttons
The DIRECTV button cannot be programmed.