Special Features
38 Chapter 4
Special Features
Chapter 4 39
The Full Channel Banner displays all the information found in the smaller
Channel Banner, plus more details about the program. For example, the
Full Channel Banner for a movie might display the category for the movie
(drama, comedy, action/adventure, etc.), the cast, the year it was released,
and a short description of the plot.
You can clear the Full Channel Banner from your screen by pressing EXIT
on your remote control.
The Full Channel Banner
The Channel Banner provides quick information as you switch channels on your DIRECTV
Receiver. If you want to see information about the channel you are currently watching, simply
press the INFO button on your HD Receiver’s remote control. Pressing the INFO button displays
the Full Channel Banner.
The Program Detail Screen
If you want to see more information than is presented in either the Channel Banner or the Full
Channel Banner, you can press INFO twice to display the Program Detail Screen.
The Program Detail Screen displays all of the information provided in the Channel Banner and Full
Channel Banner, plus complete details about the program and a list of actions you can take related
to the program.
To view the Program Detail Screen:
1. While watching a TV program, press INFO on your remote (the Full
Channel Banner appears).
2. Press the INFO button again (the Program Detail screen appears).
Another way to view the Program Detail screen is to enter the program
guide, highlight the program listing you are interested in, then press
Program Detail Screen actions
In addition to a description of the program you are watching, the Program Detail screen provides
a list of actions you can take related to that program. Here are descriptions of the actions that
might be available for a program (not all actions are available for every program).
Back Displays the last screen you viewed before entering the Program Detail screen.
Exit Exits the menu screen and displays the last channel you were viewing.
Buy $(Price) For pay per view programs, allows you to purchase the program.
Record Allows you to tape a program on your VCR if you've set up VCR Control (see page 20
for more information).
Cancel $(Price) For pay per view programs that you have previously purchased but that have
not yet aired, lets you cancel your purchase.
Watch Now Displays the channel airing the program described.