Chapter 5
Packet Classification and Labelling
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
Adding a label Execute the following CLI command to add a label:
The example above will add a label with the name “mylabel”
Label parameters Now that we have added a label we can configure its parameters.
The following label parameters can be configured:
The TTL parameters are only used for packet routing and the trace parameter is used
for debugging.
Debug command group
debug traceconfig
{Administrator}=>:label add name mylabel
Parameter Description
name The name of a label to modify.
classification The Method of classification.
defclass The default class of assigned connection.
ackclass The class of ACK segments of TCP connection.
bidirectional The label is also valid for return stream.
inheritance The label is also valid for corresponding stream of child
tosmarking Enable/disable TOS marking.
tos The Type Of Service specification in the IP packet (used for
dscp The diffserv code point (part of tos, used for tos-marking).
precedence The precedence (part of tos, used for tos-marking).
ttloverwrite Enable/disable ttl overwrite.
ttl The Time To Live in the IP packet (used for ttl-overwrite).
trace Enable/disable IP tracing for this label.