Chapter 6
Meters, queues and IPQoS
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
Ipqos list command
The list command is used to display the ipqos settings configured.
This command should give you an output like this :
Now that we have seen all commands to configure IPQoS we will give a few
examples on how to use the different commands to get to the desired result.
weight1 value Description
number (1..97) Percentage to define the weight of queue 1 used for
weighted fair queuing (WFQ) or weighted round robin
weight2 value Description
number (1..97) Percentage to define the weight of queue 2 used for
weighted fair queuing (WFQ) or weighted round robin
weight3 value Description
number (1..97) Percentage to define the weight of queue 3 used for
weighted fair queuing (WFQ) or weighted round robin
weight4 value Description
number (1..97) Percentage to define the weight of queue 4 used for
weighted fair queuing (WFQ) or weighted round robin
maxpackets value Description
number (1..250) The maximum number of packets in all queues for this
maxbytes value Description
number (0..64) The maximum size in kilo bytes (KB) in all queues.
{Administrator}=>:ipqos list
{Administrator}=>:ipqos list
Name State Discard Priority Size Size Rate Burst Weights
(Packets) (KBytes) (%) (KBytes) Weights
atm_pvc_0_35 enabled early wfq 250 56 80% 2 25% 25% 25% 25%
atm_pvc_8_35 enabled early wfq 250 56 80% 2 25% 25% 25% 25%