High-Pass and Low-Pass filters are provided to adjust to room and application
requirements. Use the High-Pass filter in rooms that have a high background
noise in the low frequencies (air conditioning, lighting fixtures, etc.). The Low-
Pass filter allows limiting high frequencies, based on the applications used. All
filters are bi-quad filters, reducing the signal by 6dB per octave.
The EQ works in four bands.
Gain adjustment is up to +/- 10dB around the center frequency within the
band, with drop-off to 0dB adjustment at the border frequencies.
Analog Output
When selecting “Analog Output”, the VU meter shows the audio signal as
provided to the analog ports. The final gain stage provided here allows gain or
trim to be applied to the signal before it leaves the Executive Elite Base unit.
“Line” level output provides the signal with an additional 20dB gain compared
to the “Mic” level output.
Digital Output
The digital output shows VU meters for the output signal as provided over AVB.
No gain stage is offered for the digital output, as it is assumed that the data
will be further manipulated at the receiving component.