The charge status LED provides additional information on the current charge
level of the microphone batteries. The following information is for a
microphone that is out of the charger and switched on.
Remaining Battery charge > 20%
Remaining Battery charge <20%, but more
than 10% (1-2 hours talk time remaining on
wearable, XLR adapter, TA4 adapter; 2-4
hours talk time remaining on tabletop
Remaining battery charge <10%, maximum
remaining talk time 1 hour on wearable
microphone, XLR adapter, and TA4 adapter;
maximum 2 hour remaining talk time on
tabletop microphones.
Mute Groups
With Executive Elite, Revolabs introduces a very flexible way to define
microphone groups. The main reason for microphone groups is to define a
common mute behavior between the microphones (therefore the name “Mute
Groups”). Beside a common mute behavior within the group, the Web User
Interface also allows to monitor and manage microphones within one group.
The web user interfaces allows creating mute groups and assigning of
microphones to the different groups. Different Base DSP units in the same
cluster share with each other their mute group definitions. See the description
of the user interfaces earlier in this document on how to create clusters,
groups, and assign microphones to these groups.
Each Executive Elite Base DSP unit and therefore every Base DSP cluster can
have up to 10 mute groups within that cluster. Delet mute groups that are no
longer required in your installation.
Within the Mute Groups, Executive Elite supports several mute types for the
microphones, allowing the user to select the mute behavior that best reflects
their use case.
Unmute at Startup
The Unmute at Startup setting defines the mute state of a microphone when it
is turned on, restarted, or taken out of a charger base. If this mode is selected,
all microphones in the group will unmute in these circumstances. If it is not
selected, then all microphones in the group will start muted.