AVB Audio
Beside the analog audio, Executive Elite also supports digital audio input and
output. The AVB connection on the back of the Base DSP unit can be
connected to an AVB enabled network and delivers streams of output audio
data for each microphone, as well as can consume streams of input audio data
for each microphone. For information on how to set up an AVB network and
define AVB talkers and listeners see your AVB network management software.
Synchronizing Executive Elite units
If more than one Revolabs Executive Elite Base DSP unit is used in an area,
the units should be synchronized to ensure best usage of the radio frequency
space, and best system performance. The Executive Elite system provides
three means to synchronize systems, the Sync Bus, the AVB network, and Over
the Air synchronization.
Microphone Density and Radio Frequency Interference
Synchronizing Executive Elite systems is important to maximize the density of
microphones that can be supported in one area. Non-synchronized systems in
the same space block a higher number of radio frequency channels than the
number of microphones they support, causing RF loss and audio drop-outs. It
is therefore important to synchronize all Executive Elite systems that are in
proximity with each other to limit the number of potential audio issues. There
is no disadvantage in synchronizing systems that are not in close proximity.
Synchronization only affects the internal clocks of systems, not the channel
selection they make for their microphones. It is therefore better to error on the
safe side and synchronize even systems not expected to be in direct proximity.
Maximum Density of microphones in one area is affected by the selected audio
quality and whether back-channel audio to the microphones is enabled or not.
It is also dependent on other wireless radio frequency traffic in the vicinity, and
whether that traffic is synchronized or not. Selecting the right RF power
setting is important to limit the area in which RF traffic of a microphone and
receiver is being seen to the coverage area, therefore reducing interference with
adjacent areas. See later user interface sections for information on how to set
these parameters.
Selecting Synchronization Method
Choosing a Synchronization method may be done through either the Web UI, or
the Front Panel LCD.
From the Front Panel the synchronization mode may be selected from the
System Clock submenu, under System Settings. Once the mode is selected,
the interface will automatically prompt the user with a choice of Internal or
External clock mode. Only one Internal can be set for any sync mode; this