NOTE: Systems in vicinity of each other, and either connected via a
synchronization bus, synchronizing via AVB, or synchronizing over
the air, should all use the same System Audio settings. Max
Microphone availability will be significantly reduced if different
settings are being used.
Legacy mode should be used if the Executive Elite Base is connected via the
synchronization bus to an Executive HD unit. Legacy will not allow disabling
the back channel audio.
System Management
The System Management section of the local web user interface contains
information on the Executive Elite system and its components, as well as
system settings. The various submenus are described below.
System Information
The System Information page provides information on the Executive Elite’s
“General Info” displays the System Name, the serial number, and the base
firmware version.
The “Remote Antenna Receiver” section shows the antenna’s MAC Address,
DECT IDs for the 2 (Executive Elite 4 microphone system) or 4 (Executive Elite
8 microphone system) basebands (antennas), and the antenna firmware
version. This section also includes information on whether the antenna is
currently connected or not.
Across the middle of the page, microphones are listed by channel, from 1 to 4
or 1 to 8 based on the number of microphones supported by the system, with
their microphone type, DECT ID, and the current firmware version provided. A
channel with no microphone paired will show no information.
“Connected Units in Cluster” shows the IP Address of any other Executive Elite
base DSP units in the subnet that share the same cluster name. The cluster
name can either be set during the initial setup wizard, or on the System
Configuration page described in the next section.
The “Base Digital Signal Processing Unit” table displays the Base’s IP Address,
MAC Address, and the static IP Address used by the USB port on the front of
the base. Any changes made to this information through the Network
Management page will be displayed here.
“AVB Information” shows the system’s AVB MAC Address, AVB sync mode, the
IP Address of the Internal, or clock master, and if the link is up or down. If