Publication 1783-UM002C-EN-P - April 2009 51
Chapter 2
10. Enter the network settings.
All entries must be English letters and Arabic numbers.
11. Enter the optional settings now, or enter them later by using the Device
Manager web interface.
Refer to
Use the Device Manager Web Interface on page 53.
In this field Do this
Management Interface (VLAN) The default is VLAN 1. Do not change from the default setting unless instructed to do so by your
IT department. To change to a setting other than the default, use the Device Manager web
interface to avoid losing your switch connection. Do not change the setting until after Express
Setup is complete.
IP Assignment Mode We recommend using the default, Static, which means that the switch always has the IP
address that you assign. Use the DHCP setting when you want the switch to automatically
obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.
IP Address Enter the IP address for the switch. (Later, you can use the IP address to access the switch
through the Device Manager web interface.)
Subnet Mask Select a mask from the pull-down list.
Default Gateway (optional) Enter the IP address of the router.
Password Enter a password. The password can be from 1...25 alphanumeric characters, can start with a
number, is case sensitive, but does not allow spaces. In the Confirm Password field, enter the
password again
In this field Do this
Host Name Enter a Host Name for the switch.
Date and Time Fields The date and time fields may be populated from your personal computer. If they re not
automatically populated, enter the date and time.
Daylight Saving Time Click Enable to use Daylight Saving Time.