Publication 1783-UM002C-EN-P - April 2009 53
Chapter 2
Configure and Manage the
After you complete Express Setup, you can further configure and manage the
switch by using one of these options:
• Device Manager web interface (supplied with the switch)
• RSLogix 5000 software, version 16 or later
• Cisco Network Assistant (CNA)
• The switch software’s command line interface (CLI)
• SNMP management applications
Use the Device Manager Web Interface
You can manage the switch by using the Device Manager web interface to
simplify configuration and monitoring of the switch. You can access the
Device Manager web interface from anywhere in your network through a Web
Follow these steps:
1. Launch a Web browser on your personal computer or workstation.
2. Enter the switch IP address in the web browser, and click Enter.
You see the Device Manager web interface page.
3. Use the Device Manager web interface to perform basic switch
configuration and monitoring.
See the Device Manager web interface online help and the Stratix 8000
Software User Manual, publication 1783-UM003
, for more information.