Chapter 3
Hardware Setup
This chapter will provide detailed instructions on how to configure the hardware
selections using the WinView/32 dialog boxes and tab pages. Hardware Setup dialog
boxes and tab pages are called from the Setup menu, shown in Figure 46. This chapter
begins with a discussion of the Setup Wizard. The remainder of the chapter is divided
into sections according to the controller types. Each section illustrates the tab pages
provided for the corresponding controller and discusses the available selections. After all
the setup dialog boxes have been configured, experiment parameters such as exposure
time and timing mode must be set. Experiment setup considerations and initial data
acquisition are discussed in the following two chapters.
Setup Wizard
The Hardware Setup Wizard runs the first time you select Setup – Hardware. The
Wizard directly leads you through the controller type, detector chip type and interface
selections. It then exits to the Hardware Setup dialog box, where you can make the
remaining selections and review those made using the Wizard.
If a PIHWDEF.INI file has been copied to your WinView/32 directory, the
selections specified in the PIHWDEF.INI will be implemented and the Setup Wizard
won’t run.
Controller Selection
The first Setup Wizard dialog box (Figure 47) selects the Controller Type. The selected
Controller Type appears in the text box. Clicking on the button at the end of the box
Figure 46. The
Setup menu.