Chapter 5
Opening, Closing,
and Saving Data Files
This chapter discusses how to open, close, and save existing data files to disk. Options
for saving and deleting files will be explained. Data files created with temporary file
names should be saved to disk periodically. Files should be closed completely to
conserve RAM for data collection.
Data files can be deleted directly from WinView/32, without using the File Manager or
any other file utility.
WinView/32 can read data files acquired with earlier versions of WinView.
Versions of WinView prior to 1.6 cannot read WinView/32 data files. Neither can
versions prior to 1.6 read data files that were collected with earlier versions and then
opened, modified and saved using WinView/32. This should be considered carefully
before modifying and saving old data files with WinView/32.
Opening Data Files
In WinView/32 files are opened according to Win 95 conventions, as follows.
➧ Click on Open in the File menu. The File Open window will appear (Figure 79).
➧ Open the directory containing the data files. Clicking on the button at the right of the
Look In box opens a browser function, allowing you to quickly and easily access the
correct folder. As shown in Figure 79, the data files will be listed below.
➧ If you want the software to control how the data will be displayed when the file is
opened, check
Auto Select
. Leave
Auto Select
unchecked if you want to retain
control over whether the data will be displayed as an
3D Graph
Auto Select is the factory default selection.
In addition, one of the three radio
3D Graph
, will be selected but grayed out if Auto
Select is checked. If Auto Select is unchecked, the grayed out selection will become
active and govern how the file is opened.
When Auto Select is checked, the way the data is displayed depends on the
number of data strips it contains.
The open/display default selection can be changed and saved from the Display Layout window.