Chapter 5: Using the Web browser
truVision DVR 31 User Manual 45
Item Name Description
3 Bandwidth control switch (Dual
Toggle between Bandwidth settings and Live Dual
Streaming. By default the Bandwidth settings are
enabled. Bandwidth settings refer to the number of
video frames sent across the network. For example,
select High for all data or select Low for partial data.
Switching to Live Dual Streaming uses a second video
data stream (less data size) that is sent over the
network. This is ideal for lower bandwidth networks. For
more information, see “Live dual streaming”
on page
4 PTZ controls Control PTZ for the currently selected camera. Only
displays if PTZ control is available for the selected
camera (indicated by a PTZ icon). You can drag this
panel anywhere on the screen.
5 Viewer View live or playback video.
6 Zoom Zoom in or out on video.
7 Download DVR player Download the DVR player.
8 Function Lets you do the following:
• View live video
• Play back video
• Display the configuration screen
• Search for recorded video
• Take an image snapshot (saves image file to
• Set the aspect ratio
• Check the hard drive health status
Windows Vista and 7 users
Internet Explorer for Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems have
increased security measures to protect your PC from any malicious software
being installed. When using the DVR 31 Web browser interface, you can install
ActiveX controls to connect and view video using Internet Explorer. However, you
cannot download data, such as video, images, and the DVR player due to the
increased security measure.
To have complete functionality of the Web browser interface and the DVR player
with Windows Vista and Windows 7, do the following: