
Chapter 6: Advanced setup
60 truVision DVR 31 User Manual
Figure 25: Adjust Video screen
To adjust video image:
1. Click Cameras on the main menu to display the Cameras screen.
2. Click the Adjust Video Setup button to display the Adjust Video screen.
3. Make the appropriate video image adjustments.
Adjust the video image’s brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue by
selecting a level in the corresponding box.
4. If video is going to be looped out of the device, set the Termination option to
Off to avoid a double terminated video signal.
Covert Camera
When a password is enabled on the DVR 31, the Covert Camera option will be
made available. When Covert Camera is selected for the camera, the camera's
video will not be viewed on the Main Monitor, Spot Monitor, or Browser, and
cannot be archived if the user does not have the proper privileges (see
Table 12
on page 55). Instead there will be a gray screen displayed until a user with the
proper privileges has logged in.