
This sets the recording duration (in seconds) after motion recording is activated. Selection
values are “05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30” (in seconds).
Select the channel (1, 2, 3, 4) for recording
by motion detection (Fig. 6.10).
This adjusts the sensitivity of the built-in
motion sensor on the DVR system
while recording. The lower the number,
the higher the sensitivity is. Values are
“1,2,3,4,Off”. The maximum sensitivity level is 1. It is recommended to set at
Note: The system senses movement by the change in picture displayed on the monitor/TV
in the selected area. Even at the lowest sensitivity setting (4), if there are any changes in
light such as a reflections, movement of tree branches, bushes for example, it could cause
the system to start recording, although no approaching objects may be seen during
playback. If the sensitivity is set too high, natural activity such as rain for example may
cause the system to start recording. It is also ideal to point the camera way from trees,
bushes, that might be affected by the wind.
If this DVR is used with a Wireless Colour Camera CCTV Kit (CWFK1) to received
Wireless video, ensure this video viewed on the TV is the best possible reception (i.e, no
interference lines viewed on the TV) between the camera and receiver. If necessary
reduce the distance between the camera and receiver to prevent any interference on the
picture. This is important to prevent the DVR from capturing any unnecessary recordings
of interference when set to motion record. You may find that if the wireless camera is
installed outside the property, then maximum operating range without interference may be
no more than 10m (provided only a single brick wall acts as a barrier between the camera
and receiver).
Fig. 6.10