
5. Translating the “VVF File Format (*.VVF)” into “AVI File Format (*.AVI)”.
After translating to an AVI file, the file can then be played back using software such
as Windows Media player or played back on an MP4 player for example.
First click the right mouse button to select the option “Export”, and then click the
left mouse button to see the window “Export To AVI”. Secondly select the channels
you want to export,. Thirdly click “ ” to select the input file and the output
file, and click “ ” to select video compression mode.
Finally click “ ” to start, and progress will be shown by percentage
(Fig. 10.08).
Note: 1 - When selecting video compression mode, you should test the
compression selected matches with the computer or else the transposition AVI file
might fail.
2- 1) Audio: The audio will be backed-up (for DVR’s with audio model only).
- 2) Audio: The audio won’t be backup.
Fig. 10.08